Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Patching Tool

Table of Contents


During big product development may occur a lot of issue that could strongly affect your solutions. In this case you have to select if you will leave all as it and continue the development with issues or make this changes and face the consequences.

For second case we have implemented the Patching Tool to let you modify your project in automatically way avoiding unnecessary work for your engineers. Still the tool leaving you manual control on each step to prevent unexpected behavior of your patching script.

Custom patch logic

To create a custom patch behavior you just need to create a new class derived from the Doloro.AI.DAIDebugger.PatchingTool.APatchLogic and implement your logic.

Handler Description
IsCanBePatched Handler that should consider shared data and patcher settings and decide is the patcher can be called. Patch request will be denied in case if the handler returns false.
OnValid Handler calling when some behavior node processing by the debugger. Must conclude is the node passing validation filter.
OnPrePatch Handler that will be called before patching. Use it to make preparation, backups, etc.
OnPatch Handler that should path the node marked by this patch logic as invalid.
OnPostPatch Handler that will be called after patching. Use it to revert settings or restore damaged data.
OnGUI Handler for inspector's UI drawing.
OnListGUI Custom GUI in patch orders list item.


You can find overwhelming examples of implemented APatchLogic in Doloro-GDK\Doloro-AI-Debug-Environment\Editor\Tools\Patching Tool\Modules\ folder supplied with the Doloro GDK distribution package.