Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Action \ Order implementation structure

As mentioned in Assemblies section the logical nodes of execution graph represented as Action and Order derived classes instances are separated on two parts:

  • Runtime part that contains execution logic.
  • Editor part that provides editor GUI and debug\tracking logic.

Runtime part implementation

Following example shows sample Action implementation within a Runtime assembly.

using UnityEngine;
using Doloro.AI.Core;
public class YOUR_NODE_NAME : Action
// Some variable defined for the node instance.
public string STR_VAR_0 = "";
// Some variable defined for the node instance.
public int INT_VAR_0 = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Calling one time when AI initializing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ai">Source AI entity.</param>
public override void Init(Brain ai)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize anything you need here.
// That handler will be called when the node instance will be created.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Implements runtime execution logic for the logical node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ai">Reference to AI entity.</param>
/// <returns>Result of operation. Success, Fail or In progress.</returns>
public override Result Pass(Brain ai)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do something that should affect the world of character itself here.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conclude the result of operation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
return Result.Success;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when action execution is ended.
/// Calls each time the node got an explicit result as a
/// <see cref="Result.Success"/> or <see cref="Result.Fail"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ai">Source AI entity.</param>
public override void End(Brain ai)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use to release session data outside the mode lost its purpose
// till a next action call.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

Namespace meaning

YOUR_MODULE_NAMESPACE is a part of namespace after avoiding Doloro.AI. part of namespace that will be used as directory to your logical node within tools like a Doloro AI Studio in menus (like Create, etc.).

Namespace using example

Doloro.AI.Checks.Wallet will locate your node called CheckUSD in virtual directory by path Actions\Checks\Wallet\CheckUSD\, if not implemented in other way.

Editor part implementation

Following example implements simple editor for the YOUR_NODE_NAME Action implemented at previous section.

// Editor class that will be used for the `YOUR_NODE_NAME` instances.
public class YOUR_NODE_NAME_Editor : ActionEditor
/// <summary>
/// Draw the custom interface in editor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">Source action.</param>
/// <param name="ai">Source entity.</param>
public override void OnGUI(Action action, Brain ai)
var self = action as YOUR_NODE_NAME;
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Implement your cusom UI here.
// ---------------------------------------------------
// EXAMPLE ------------------------------------------
// Providing access to the STR_VAR_0 at the origin.
self.STR_VAR_0 = EditorGUILayout.TextField(
new GUIContent("Text variable"),
// Providing access to the INT_VAR_0 at the origin.
self.INT_VAR_0 = EditorGUILayout.IntField(
new GUIContent("Int variable"),
// ---------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Draws the custom interface in debug tab.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">Source action.</param>
/// <param name="ai">Source entity.</param>
public override void DebugGUI(Action action, Brain ai)
var self = action as YOUR_NODE_NAME;
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Implement your custom GUI UI here.
// ---------------------------------------------------

See also

See also followed advanced pre-implemented editors and it's using within GDK: