Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Inspector embedding


The Doloro-AI-Inspector inspector distributes as a separate module that can be integrated to any tool where you need to get access to AI's node data and following inspector extension modules.



Doloro.AI.DAIInspector.Inspector can be embedded to any EditorWindow. All what you need to do is create a new instance of the inspector via constructor and then call its draw via API.

// Following property will always guaranties you that the inspector exists
// within your editor window.
public DAIInspector.Inspector inspector
if (_inspector == null)
_inspector = new DAIInspector.Inspector(this);
return _inspector;
private DAIInspector.Inspector _inspector;


To follow the data competence for any default tool purposes you need to share critical data with the inspector.

For this you need:

You no need to handle any manual loading of modules. The entire core features managed in encapsulated way.


When an inspector instantiated and initialized you may call it draw via the Inspector.OnGUI() handler. This will call draw of the entire inspector according with entire loaded tools in valid state.