Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Storages Virtual Hub extension


Storages GUI compatible with the Virtual UI Hub features. Usage of implemented components allows to integrated specific Storage related components into cross-windows layouts.

Item Selection Event Relay

StorageSelectionEventRelay is a VH Relay that listens for selection of StorageGUIElement.

Read more: Elements Collection
Explore API: Doloro.InvetorySystem.UI.VirtualHub.StorageSelectionEventRelay


To configure events sharing it's enough to add the relay to the same object as GUI elements collection filled with StorageGUIELement or its derived alternatives.
Such collection will share enabled event toward parental Virtual UI Hub that will forward them to assigned listeners.

  1. Add to the AGUIElementsCollection derived control's game object. (Example: StoragesGUICollection)
  2. Enable onSelected messages share.
  3. Add VirtualGUIHub to root GUI element of the common layout.

Storage UI Hub Listener

Listens selection of Storage shared as a message Virtual UI Hub hub with OnSelected key.
Sets the content of shared inspector to ContentHolder.content property.

Explore API: Doloro.InvetorySystem.UI.VirtualHub.StorageUIHubListener


To connect Storage GUI control to Virtual UI Hub you just need to add it on the same object you have to bond.

As soon as the listener added it will listen for OnSelected from a parental VirtualUIHub component.

When the message occurred and its shares IContentInspector{Storage} as first argument, the shared inspector's content will be applied as the content to bonded StorageGUIElement.