Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Doloro.AI.Compare Namespace Reference


class  ABinaryCompareAction
 Base class for compare operation AI behaviors. More...
class  ABinaryCompareActionEditor
 Editor that implements base UI for the ABinaryCompareAction<T> nodes with two states: equal, not equal. More...
class  ACompareAction
 Base class for compare operation AI behaviors. More...
class  ACompareActionEditor
 Editor that implements base UI for the ACompareAction<T> nodes. More...
class  ComapreStringEditor
 Editor for the CompareString action. More...
class  CompareBool
 provides API for comparison of two bool values. More...
class  CompareBoolEditor
 Editor for the CompareBool action. More...
class  CompareFloat
 Implement comparison logic for float variables. More...
class  CompareFloatEditor
 Editor for the CompareFloat action. More...
class  CompareInt
 Implement comparison logic for int variables. More...
class  CompareIntEditor
 Editor for the CompareInt action. More...
class  CompareObjectRef
 Compares references between two objects to define are them the same. More...
class  CompareObjectRefEditor
 Editor for the CompareObjectRef action. More...
class  CompareString