Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Doloro.AI.DAIDebugger Namespace Reference


class  ADebugTool
 Base class for DAI Debug tool that must be inherited by any add-on. More...
class  BreakpointsInspector
 Tools that provides a convenient way to manage source project's breakpoints. More...
class  ConsoleLogsGUILayout
 Library that provides GUI log elements for the console layout. More...
class  Constants
class  DAIDTSettings
 Instance that contains current debug tools settings. More...
class  DebugEnvironment
 Isolated environment that provides shell for Brain instance to gathering and continues analysis of runtime data. More...
class  DebugInspector
class  DebugToolsHelper
 Helper that provides ADebugTool instances related to source type. More...
class  MemoryAnalyzer
 Tool that controls AI memory and catching unprotected or suspicious operations with it. More...
class  PipelineItemDebugShell
 Shel that envelopes the PipelineItem instance and records it runtime statistic. More...
class  Profiler
 Tool for performance monitoring. More...