Doloro GDK 22 .1.0 Beta
by Tauri Interactive
Doloro.AI.Sensors Namespace Reference


class  AInvertibleSensorAction
 Sensor related action that result can be inverted. More...
class  AInvertibleSensorActionEditor
 Base editor for entire nodes derived from the AInvertibleSensorAction. More...
class  AISensorsManager
 AI related manager that controls placing of sensors and their core functions. Works as the sensors hub at the root component. Creates automatically at runtime by behavior scripts using it if not created yet. More...
class  ASelectingSensorAction
 Base class for any action that selected one object for the Sensor's pool. More...
class  ASelectingSensorActionEditor
 Base editor for entire nodes derived from the ASelectingSensorAction. More...
class  ASensorAction
 Base class for sensor-like AI behaviors. More...
class  ASensorActionEditor
 Base editor for entire nodes derived from the ASensorAction. More...
class  AudioSourceLoudnessTester
 Records audio producing by the binded source and defining the target noise. More...
class  Constants
 Contains constants related to the DynamicResources systems. More...
class  GetObjectFromZone
 Looks for an object at the sensor's zone along with defined search parameters. More...
class  InspectorEditorStyles
 Custom editor styles and GUI elements used at the local scope. More...
class  SoundListener
 Checks noise parameter at the AudioSourceLoudnessTester for the detected object. More...
class  Visual
 Sensor that simulates character's view scope. More...
class  VisualEditor
 Custom editor for the Visual action. More...
class  Zone
 Returns Success in case bonded sensor has detected objects. More...